Wednesday 20 February 2013

Stop-Motion Reflection

Part 1.

1. Overall I found the process of creating a stop-motion video easier than I thought. I expected it to take much longer then it did and I was worried that we wouldn't have enough time to complete it. We took a lot more pictures then we initially planned which ended up making our video longer than we expected. I also really enjoyed dressing up in dresses and bringing in props for this project.

2. The final product turned out to be very similar to what I thought it would look like. Although I do think that the video did not flow perfectly but with the allotted time frame I think it was done well. I also think the lighting, quality and sound of the finished product turned out to be pretty good. 

3. The thing that I am leas happy about in my video are the shadows that appear on the floor. 

4. If i were to reshoot this video I would of used a different prop for the frog because it didn't look very realistic. 

5. If I could give my video an honest percentage mark I would give it a 90%.

Part 2

Hand Wars 

1. I think this video was successful because it was very creative and the transitions were very well done.

2. The lighting in this video was a bit dark and having music playing in the background would of made it more exciting.

3. I'd like to consider this as a video option for the next upcoming project. A particular part I'd like to try on my own is having hands and drawings involved, just like when there was an actual thumb war and a drawing of a stadium in the background.

Monday 11 February 2013

February 11, 2013

1. For this stop motion animation assignment I will be working with Ashlee Steffens, Emma Bender and Danielle Weicker. Ashlee, Emma and I will be the models in each frame and Danielle will be the photographer.

2. Plot outline: Three British girls are socializing while drinking a cup of tea when a spider appears at the table which frightens the girls so they run away. We chose this because we liked the idea of princesses at a tea party so we made it simpler by having girls in dresses.

3. Materials:
-tea set
-3 girls wearing sundresses
-oversized spider

4. The only thing that I anticipate any issues with this project is not having enough time to take all the frames we want.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Stop Motion Animation Video:

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Part 2

1. What percentage of Canada is online? 

83% of Canada is online

2. What percentage of user growth was there between 2000 - 2008?
The percentage of user growth grew from 5.8%-21.1% between 2000-2008 which means that it grew by 15.3%. 

3. How do Canadians rank in their 'Net usage? According to the author, what is the reason for this? 

Canadians rank as number one for spending the most time online than anyone in the world. The reason for this according to the author is because a report shows that Canadians spent 43.5 hours online between October and December 2010. This happened to be twice more than the worldwide average.  average.

4. How much more time are Canadians spending on social networking sites? What are the top three sites?

Canadians are spending 43.5 more time on social networking sites. The top three sites are Facebook, Blogger and Windows Live.  

Monday 4 February 2013

Communications Survey Results


After looking at the results of my Communication Survey I realized that the feedback I received was not what I expected. I expected that the majority of the people that I surveyed would have Iphones but it turns out that Blackberrys are more popular out of the people I questioned.

In general I think the use of technology as a means of communication has a positive impact on society. I think technology is a fantastic way to communicate with family, friends and co workers that you don't see regularly or even with people you do see often. Nowadays people can still maintain friendships with people that live far away and can keep in touch with them because of social media. Technology has also really improved  hospitals, medical equipment, security devices and even transportation in the past years which is a very positive impact on people. In my opinion the majority of people in the work today are dependent on technology and in which I think is normal because it is just the evolution of human beings. If technology was to be taken away from everyone in the universe today I think people would not longer know how to live their lives.